English Curriculum Intent
At Willington Primary School, we want all children to develop a love of language and aim to develop our children’s ability to confidently use spoken and written language to communicate effectively – to listen, speak, read, and write both in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences.
We recognise the importance of literacy skills and the impact they have on outcomes and achievements in all areas of the learning and provide a broad and balanced, integrated programme of speaking, listening, reading and writing, so that children are able to consolidate and reinforce knowledge and skills learnt in English lessons during other curricular lessons.
The intent of our planned English Curriculum is to ensure that by the time children are moving onto secondary school, they have developed a love for reading, write for pleasure and purpose, listen well and are confident speaking in a range of contexts. We want our children to acquire a wide vocabulary, have a good understanding of grammar in context and to be able to applying their knowledge of spelling, as well as, take pride in the presentation of their writing.
Our curriculum closely follows the national curriculum requirements and enables the children to:
- read with confidence, fluency and understanding
- have an interest in a broad range of text types and read for enjoyment
- have an interest in words and their meanings; in order to develop an increasingly rich vocabulary
- write clearly, accurately and coherently; adapting language and style for a range of purposes and audiences
- listen carefully and speak competently in a range of contexts
- develop an awareness of authors, poets and an appreciation of literacy