Modern Foreign Languages - French
Learning a foreign language is part of the primary National Curriculum and is a requirement for all children within Key Stage 2 (KS2). Willington Primary School has adopted a whole school approach to the teaching of French to all KS2 pupils. Our aim is to develop the confidence and competence of each child in the foreign language they are learning. Our goal is for them to be passionate, curious and confident about their own foreign language learning abilities when they finish the primary school phase of their education. We will help them develop and demonstrate substantial progress in key language skills necessary for learning French.
The MFL Coordinator has planned an overview of lessons for KS2 staff to follow using the Language Angels scheme of work, however they can supplement this if they wish with their own ideas and experience. French is taught in a whole class setting and each class has a timetabled lesson of at least thirty minutes per week. Where possible, French can also be revisited in short sessions throughout the week to consolidate knowledge and ensure new language is retained.
Below is a link to a document which shows the overview of the units we will cover throughout KS2 in 2022-23.