PE and Sport Premium
What is the Sports Premium Grant?
In April 2013, the Government introduced the new ‘Sport Premium', providing £150 million to improve the quality, breadth and delivery of PE and Sport in primary schools. This funding is ring fenced and is allocated directly to primary schools across England, providing them with dedicated resource to buy in invaluable expertise and support. Funding is allocated through a lump sum for each school.
At Willington, we aim to provide high quality physical education and school sport from EYFS to Year 6. The weekly timetable across the school has protected time for at least 2 hours of PE teaching per week. We recognise the important role that sport plays in building character, resilience and communication skills in our pupils. We aim to ensure that we provide opportunities for pupils to fulfil their potential in a range of sporting and physical activities, whilst giving the children the opportunity to develop coaching and leadership skills. We take part in a range of competetive team sports through our partnership with Active Sports and in school competitions. Opportunities for celebration of participation and success in physical activities and sport, both in and out of school are provided weekly in our celebration assemblies.
After school sporting opportunities;
- Basketball
- Gymnastics
- Archery
- Ball Skills
- Multi skills club which includes participation of all (SEN/FSM/ Gender)
- Cricket Club- A Chance to Shine Programme
- Soccerstars
At Breakfast Club, we employ a Play Activity Leader who leads sporting events across the playground; focusing on developing team work and team games. All KS2 children participate in school swimming, and many children love to celebrate their swimming achievements in our weekly celebration assemblies.
We lead whole school event days, such as inviting Olympic swimmers into school, to inspire and engage our pupils.
- UK Government website PE and sport premium for primary schools.