Week 1
Autumn Term 2: - Week 1
The children have enjoyed their first week back after half term.
In English, the children have written a remembrance poem based on the poem 'We Remember' by Laura Mucha. These will be displayed in school as part of a remembrance display, with some being read out at the remembrance event in the village on Monday 11th November. Also as part of our display, we made poppies out of tissue paper and wire which can be seen in the photos below.
In PSHE, we started our new topic on 'Being Me'. We discussed different hobbies that we enjoyed and drew an image of ourselves which represented all of the different talents and hobbies that we have.
Finally, the children had the opportunity to share their learning log homework projects with the rest of the class. The children worked really hard with these and many drew sketch maps of their routes to school, along with making their own musical instruments too.