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Week 1

It was lovely to see all the children again after the half term holiday. Everyone has been keen to see their friends again and to start the learning for the new term. In English, we've begun our new text 'Little Red Reading Hood'. The children have been curious to find out what happens to Little Red and how it differs from the traditional tale of Little Red Riding Hood. We have also been learning how to write commands and recapping our work on expanded noun phrases.

Everyone enjoyed our PE lesson on Wednesday. We worked on building up our stamina so that we can run for longer. The children enjoyed some team games to help them meet this objective. Both teams worked hard and demonstrated a healthy competitive spirit!

We had the pleasure of helping to fill the pond on Wednesday. The wildlife pond area is developing really well. The children have also really enjoyed the new OPAL resources such as the sandpit, the tyre pyramid and the digging area. They have made good use of these areas at lunchtimes.