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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Sports Day Success at WPS!

    Wed 19 Jun 2024

    We had a wonderful Sports Day on Wednesday. At every station, we observed collaboration, kindness, empathy, encouragement and postive energy from every child- whilst trying to acheive their best as a group by getting as many points as they possibly could. The races were great fun- thank you to all who took part, by either participation or encouragement! Congratulations to the Yellow Owls and Red Eagles for winning the KS1 and KS2 award overall. A successful day at WPS again!

  • OPAL - We love lunchtimes!

    Tue 18 Jun 2024

    OPAL - Outdoor Play and Learning - is in full swing at Willington! This week we have introduced 'Wheelies', 'Small World' and the 'Role Play' Areas. So much fun, creativity, imagination and play over our lunchtime breaks. Our pupils are showing 'Respect' towards the equipment and each other whilst demonstrating 'Collaboration' in abundance. Our school REACH values in action! 

  • Learning Log - Home Learning!

    Tue 16 Apr 2024

    Take a look at this incredible Learning Log homework! Design Technology, Art, Sewing... just wonderful! 

  • A Visit From Our Local Member Of Parliament - Heather Wheeler MP

    Fri 22 Mar 2024

    This morning, the member of parliament for South Derbyshire, Heather Wheeler MP, visited our school.  She was firstly taken for a tour around the school by our school councillors, who then discussed the grant that we have been awarded by East Midlands Airport for the development of the wildlife area.  The visit concluded with a question and answer session from the Year 6 children where the MP was asked a variety of questions regarding her role in parliament and how she became our local MP.

  • Year 1 and 2 Derby Open Centre Visit

    Fri 22 Mar 2024 Miss Pritchard and Mrs Maynard

    This week, the children in Year 1 and 2 visited the Derby Open Centre to take part in their faith trail. They visited three different places of worship, a mosque, a Hindu temple and a Gurdwara. They were able to learn lots of new things to support their RE learning, as well as developing their values of tolerance and mutual respect. It was a great day out, and they were also very excited to ride in a double decker bus.

  • STEM Visitors

    Wed 20 Mar 2024 Mrs Braddock

    STEM Assembly

    We were very lucky to have two special visitors lead our assembly today! Eleanor and Russell came to talk to the children about Rolls Royce and their submarine site on Raynesway. They talked about the submarine engines and energy which is used to power them (just a teaspoon of Uranium!). We also learnt about what life is like on the submarines for the submariners and how they know the days of the week by knowing that fish is always served in the canteen on a Friday… just like here at school. The children also enjoyed a quiz to make sure they’d been listening!

    A huge thank you to Eleanor and Russell for coming to see us and for the fantastic assembly. 

  • Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Visit

    Wed 28 Feb 2024 Miss Pritchard

    Emma from Derbyshire Fire and Rescue came into school today to talk to the children in Year 2 and Year 6.

    The Year 2 children learnt all about the work that the fire service do and items in the house that could be dangerous. They enjoyed watching a cartoon about Dexter the Fire Dog and learnt about how to make a fire plan.

    The Year 6 children learnt about hoax calls and the three types of plans that can be made to keep safe in the event of a fire.

    The children went home with homework to check that they have a smoke alarm on each floor. The fire service can come out to fit new alarms if they are needed.

  • WPS Choir Performance

    Thu 21 Dec 2023

    On Thursday, the school choir had planned to perform in the village, hoping to bring festive cheer and joy to the local residents. Unfortunately, due to Storm Pia, we made the difficult decision to cancel the performance and prioritised keeping safe and warm in school. Instead, we were able to perform to the whole school, on the stage, with our musical instruments in front of a wonderful audience! Well done to all of the children- we have children from every class in the choir, which is wonderful!

  • Christmas Craft Club Round Up

    Tue 19 Dec 2023 Mrs Braddock

    It has been lovely to work with some of the Key Stage One children at Christmas Craft Club.


    We've been very busy on Tuesdays after school making fabulous Christmas decorations - we made Christmas gnomes, Rudolph baubles, paper strip Christmas trees and paper plate angels. 


    Thank you all for coming and working so hard - I hope your creations are hung with pride in your homes! 

  • Whole School Panto Trip

    Wed 13 Dec 2023

    On the 12th and 13th December we were super lucky to travel in whole Key Stages to watch the Pantomime at Derby Arena - the show was Mother Goose! We thoroughly enjoyed the experience of watching live theatre. Many thanks to Friends of WPS for their donation towards the coach travel.


    Shout out also to Sam and Ollie who went on stage and represented the whole school perfectly. 


    A brilliant time was had by all - oh yes it was!!! 
