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Summer 2

 Week 7 

And our final week of Year 5 has ended! What a year this has been- full of success and great memories.

This week, we completed some 'All About Me' activities to think about what we enjoy doing at the age of 9 and 10, and some of our memories of the year.


Our Learning Logs came back this week and we enjoyed sharing what we had been doing with our friends and Miss Pritchard. Well done to Isabelle who won our 'Learning Log Champion' trophy this half term- this will be waiting for you in Y6!



We finished our independent writes (Rio de Janeiro travel page) and researched London. We then thought about the similarities and difference between Rio and London.



We finished our 'Volume' topic by comparing and estimating the volumes of shapes and by estimating volume and capacity.



We enjoyed finding our about the early life of Mary Queen of Scots and the tragic ending of her life. We were really interested to learn about the significance of her life to our local history- that she was imprisoned several times up the road at Tutbury Castle and hated it there.



On Tuesday, we had great fun creating our own rainforest paintings in the style of Henri Rousseau. We think you'll agree that they look great!

Our amazing paintings. We created these by dipping our paintbrushes into blue, yellow, white, black and red paint.

 Week 6 


We used our model text to plan our own travel guide page for Rio de Janeiro. We enjoyed watching videos and using safe search engines to fond our own information. We then started our independent write to write our own travel guide page to persuade people to visit this refulgent city! We also learnt how to spell words with hyphens.



This week, we finished our 'Converting Units' unit by converting between different lengths, learning about metric and imperial units and converting between them, converting units of time and calculating with timetables. We also learnt about cubic centimetres as part of our final unit on 'Volume'.



We finished our Amazon rainforest topic by learning about The Americas. We used an atlas to complete maps of North and South America by identifying the different countries and some of their capital cities. We enjoyed talking about keys to identify the different symbols and features of the maps.



We started our history breadth on 'Mary Queen of Scots'. This week, we learnt about the Tudors and the different monarchs. We also looked at family trees to understand how Mary Queen of Scots was related to the Tudor monarchs Elizabeth I and Henry VIII.

 Week 5 

This week, we have been continuing our NFER assessments for reading, maths and SPAG. Miss Pritchard has been really pleased with our attitude towards these and how hard we worked. We have all made progress this year! 😊 On Tuesday, we had our transition morning and enjoyed spending some time with our new teacher, Mr Rodgers, and getting to know him better. We wrote letters to him so that he can get to know us better too.

We enjoyed listening to some of our classmates give their speeches for next year's school council roles: chair, vice chair, secretary and treasurer. The candidates are now running their own campaigns to get as many votes as possible. Good luck to all the candidates- it is going to be a difficult vote for us!



During our 'Converting Units' topic, we have been learning how to convert between millilitres and litres and millimetres and metres. We also learnt about converting between different units of length such as inches.



With Rosie, we enjoyed learning more about how to play rounders, and using the correct rules.

Miss Pritchard returned for our final swimming lesson of Year 5.



We learnt about the artist Henri Rousseau and looked at his painting, 'Tiger in a Tropical Storm (Surprised!)' We created a page about it in our sketch books, and recorded our thoughts and observations. Later in the week, we looked at different shapes of leaves and veins and had a go at sketching these. We thought about different greens and created colour pallettes. All of this work will build up to our own final rainforest painting in the stlye of Henri Rousseau (check back in Week 7).



We learnt about some of the different tribes that live in the Amazon rainforest. We were surprised to hear that some of these have never had any contact with the outside world.



We have been continuing with our work on Scratch.

Our School Council Candidates

 Week 4 

What an exciting week we have had!

We started the week with Sports Day. We enjoyed participating in the 60m running race and carrying out a carousel of sporting activities.

We ended the week with the Summer Fayre and ran our own games.

In between this, we have been carrying out our NFEER assessments.


On Wednesday, we enjoyed a circuit session and Q&A assembly with professional swimmer Joe Roebuck!


On Thursday, we had a CPR training sessions with Leon's Legacy.

 Week 3 


We have been reading the poem 'The Highwayman'.

We have also been continuing to sentence stack a travel brochure page about Paris. This week, we focused on reasons to visits, best bits and culture.



We finished our unit on negative numbers by counting through zero in multiples, comparing and ordering negative numbers and finding the difference between two numbers. We then started our unit on converting units by learning about different types of units and what this looks like in real life.



We learnt about the gestation periods and life expectancy of different animals. We also discussed the changes that happen to humans as the enter 'old age'.



We have been continuing our double page spreads on the layers of the rainforest.

 Week 2 

Mrs Spencer Lovesey talked to us about our new school rules:

  • Be Ready
  • Be Respectful
  • Be Safe

We looked at the different rules that we will have in different areas of the school to help us to keep our school a happy and safe place to be where we are able to succeed.



We have been reading and answering questions about Disney songs this week. We looked at 'I've Got a Dream' from Tangled and 'Be Prepared' from The Lion King. We also enjoyed chapter 1 of 'Journey to the River Sea' by Eva Ibbotson.

In our English sessions, we have started a new unit on travel brochure writing. We looked at a model text about visiting Barcelona and identified the shapes that we will be using in our shared and independent write. We have started to sentence stack our shared text about visiting Paris by carrying out research and thinking of an alliterative headline and five fast facts.



In maths, we finished our decimals unit and started to learn about negative numbers.



This week, we have been learning about puberty and the changes that will happen to our bodies over the next few years. We also learnt about important hygiene associated with puberty.



We learnt about the layers of the rainforest and started to create a double page spread which we will continue next week.



We have spent the last two week learning about how to use Scratch to create our own quizzes.



Rosie taught us how to bat in rounders and we started to play a game with a proper rounders ball. Lots of rounders were scored!

We continued with our swimming lessons, too.

 Week 1 


In reading, we continued our work on life cycles and enjoyed reading the lyrics to Elton John's 'The Circle of Life' and the the story 'Cicada' by Shaun Tan. Cicada was a particular favourite and we loved watching a video of the story being read on YouTube.

In our writing lessons, we finished our independent write of our adventure stories based on 'The Explorer'. We were amazed to see on the news that four children had crashed and survived in the Amazon in real life and watched a news report of their rescue!



In maths, we continued with our work on decimals.



We started our new 'Animals, Including Humans' topic this week by discussing the timeline of humans from fertilisation to old age.



This week, we have been looking at a map of the world and discussed the Equator, the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, the Northern and Southern hemispheres and the North and South Poles. We particularly enjoyed watching a video about how water goes down the drain in different directions on either side of the Equator. We learnt about what biomes are and the different types of biomes of the world. We placed these on a map.



We have started our rounders sessions with Rosie. This week, we recapped the rules of rounders and developed our bowling skills. We finished with a game of rounders where we threw the ball instead of batting.

We returned to Etwall Leisure Centre for our swimming lessons.


Learning Logs:

We had great fun sharing our homework with each other; we finished by choosing our favourite piece and having a class gallery. Miss Pritchard is going to have a difficult time choosing a winner this half term as so many of us have worked really hard and there has been some creative ideas!
