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w.c. 6.2.22

Thank you for all the wonderful photographs for our 'Extreme Reading Competition'. I am really looking forward to seeing the unusual and exciting places that the children find to read! Please feel free to email me any photographs to the class email address: 

In Phonics, we have continued learning new aspects of Phase 5 (alternative ways to spell sounds that the children are already familiar with) and been revisiting learning from this half-term to help the children remember it all - we have covered such a lot! Please find below a document showing some of the words we have been reading in class together (I will also provide a paper copy when their reading book is changed). Reading the new phonics at home will help build both your child's confidence and phonics knowledge. Please record any extra reading like this in their reading diary and I can award house points.

Please find below the spellings that will be tested on Friday 17th February, which all contain the split vowel digraph 'i_e' which is making the /igh/ phoneme. Practicing these at home will obviously help your child to feel more confident during the spelling test. I will send home a printed list of spellings with your child on a Friday in their home spelling book and they will be available on the class page below, as well as being set on Spelling Shed. House points will be awarded based on your child's performance (both academic and personal achievements).

Our Treasured Text this week has been 'For Every Child' which is a wonderful book by Unicef that explains the ten principles that make up the Universal Rights of the Child. 

Tuesday the 7th February was Safer Internet Day. This years theme is ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online’. The Fantastic Foxes enjoyed sharing the story 'Hanni and the Magic Window' which opened up age appropriate discussions about how the internet can be a wonderful tool but that we need to be aware of how to keep ourselves safe online.

This week is Children's Mental Health week. Each morning the Fantastic Foxes have completed a well-being journal where they thought about they are feeling. We have done various breathing exercises to help ourselves feel more centered and connected. In PE we had great fun maintaining our connections by holding hands and trying to pass a hula hoop all the way around the circle. It was tricky but the Fantastic Foxes encouraged each other to keep going and we succeeded!
