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w/c 20th April


Maths: White Rose Maths is the scheme which we follow in school, the link to the website on the document and below will take you to their home learning videos and activities for the week. There is no expectation to carry out all of the tasks for the week, so feel free to dip into the resource and have a go! You could also access the home learning for other year groups if you are struggling.


Literacy: For those of you missing our Sentence Stacking, Jane Considine, who invented the writing scheme we use in school, will be delivering daily English activities for pupils to complete at home. Alternatively, I will upload other suggestions which you can complete when you like.  


Topic: Year 5’s summer term topic is Rainforests and it is a fun and interesting topic to learn about. Each week I will suggest a different focus that you can research with some ideas that you can look at. You can complete any of the suggested activities or come up with your own ideas.

Documents you can download

A Problem Solving investigation for you to enjoy!

Here is a problem solving investigation for you to enjoy. Remember to use 'RUCSAC' - Read the question, Understand the question, Choose the correct method, Solve the problem, Answer the problem, Check your answer (can you use the inverse?).

Have fun Outstanding Otters!! 

Useful links