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Week 3

This week, we had a visit from Emily at South Staffs Water who came to talk to us about what they do as a company. We met Captain Efficiency and his friends and read about all the different ways that appliances can waste water. Did you know that leaving the tap on whilst you brush your teeth wastes 28 litres a day?! We made a pledge about how we can help to save water.


We also started learning about the Zones of Regulation.  At WPS, we want children to be able to recognise their emotions and equip them with the tools to help them to self-regulate and manage their feelings. In the Zones of Regulation, there are 4 Zones: blue, green, yellow and red. Everyone experiences all of the Zones and all of the Zones are expected at one time or another.


The Zones can be likened to traffic lights:

  • Green - good to GO
  • Yellow SLOW down or take warning
  • Red STOP and regain control
  • Blue REST and recharge 


We learnt about the four zones and the emotions that we experience in them. We enjoyed a game of emotions bingo, talked about different scenarios and how we would feel and made emotion face puppets.
