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wc. 26th June 23

Week 4


Another busy week this week filled with sports fun! We started the week with Sports Day and enjoyed participating in the 60m running race and carrying out a carousel of sporting activities. The children cheered each other on and loved watching both the parents and teachers race too! On Wednesday, we enjoyed a circuit session and Q&A assembly with professional swimmer Joe Roebuck! The whole school loved learning about Joe's experiences completing in the Olympics and other competitions he has participated in all over the world. It was a great afternoon and an excellent experience for some of our budding swimmers in the class!

We began our sentence stacking lessons on 'The Creature' where we created our own headlines, straplines and introduced the event using the 5 W's (what, who, where, when, why). The children had fun acting as eye witnesses and interviewers so that they could create realistic eyewitness accounts in their writing too.

Whilst some of the class were out competing in the Year 3/4 Prominent Football Cup, we completed our Roman mosaic artwork. You can see some of our fabulous efforts below! We also had a go at creating some mosaic designs using an online tool. You can try it at home here:

On Thursday, we performed with our cello and violins to our parents and the whole school for the final time. Everyone was amazed by the fantastic improvements the class have made on their instruments. Well done Brilliant Badgers - you were all fantastic!!
