In Phonics, we have continued learning new aspects of Phase 5 (alternative ways to spell sounds that the children are already familiar with). Please find below a document showing some of the words we have been reading in class together (I will also provide a paper copy when their reading book is changed). Reading the new phonics at home will help build both your child's confidence and phonics knowledge. Please record any extra reading like this in their reading diary and I can award house points.
Please find below the spellings that will be tested on Friday 10th March, which all contain the split vowel digraph 'u_e'. Practicing these at home will obviously help your child to feel more confident during the spelling test. I will send home a printed list of spellings with your child on a Friday in their home spelling book and they will be available on the class page below, as well as being set on Spelling Shed. House points will be awarded based on your child's performance (both academic and personal achievements).
Our Treasured Text this week has been Tree: Seasons Come, Seasons Go by Patricia Hegarty. This beautifully illustrated book takes on the journey of a tree throughout the year, showing the differences between each season.
In English, we started our next writing unit which is based around the story 'Traction Man is here' by Mini Grey. The children have loved designing their own Traction Man, considering the outfit so that it matches what activity or superpower they want him to have!
In Maths, we have been finishing our unit on Addition and Subtraction within 20, with a focus on using our knowledge of number bonds to help us to complete addition and subtraction questions. The game below could be useful to improve your child's recall of number bonds within 20. If you go onto 'Hit the Button', then 'Number Bonds', then there are a few games in the 'Up to 20' section.