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w.c. 5.9.22

We have had a lovely first week back. The Fantastic Foxes have really impressed me with how well they can put away and collect their things for hometime and how smartly they can sit on the carpet. It has been wonderful getting to know them all this week. Please find attached the phonics that we focused on this week, which was revisiting learning done in Reception. Practising these sounds and words at home will help to consolidate our learning and boost your child’s confidence. 

We talked about Queen Elizabeth II this morning and watched a video celebrating her life and reign. Some Fantastic Foxes wanted to colour pictures to display to show how we are thinking of the Royal Family.

We have been showing off just how good we are at counting to 9 this week!

In Art, we have been taking ‘selfies’ using an iPad, then creating a self portrait which we coloured using pastels. We worked very carefully to observe our features and thought carefully about the colours we would need.

In Maths this week, we started our unit of learning on Place Value to 10. We had to sort objects using different features. We sorted by type, colour and size. We really challenged ourselves to find as many ways as possible!

This week, we started a writing unit based around the book ‘On Sudden Hill’. We watched a video and discussed all the fun you can have with a cardboard box, before writing our own sentence. We used such ambitious vocabulary!
