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Week 6

Week 6



This week we learnt 4 more sounds…

h, b, f, l

This means we now know 20 sounds - phew! We've explored these sounds and found objects that start with these sounds too. We also practiced all our sounds and continued reading lots and lots of CVC words. We are getting really good at segmenting and blending the sounds - we all enjoy ‘showing off’ on the carpet and having a good go!

Some of the words we’ve been reading are: ran, duck, ten, red, hat, dog, cup, hit, sad, hug, big, ten, pet, cap, bat, fit, red, get, hot, pick, log, mum, nod


We also learnt a new tricky word - the. This one is tricky because of the ‘th’ digraph and the ‘e’ makes an /u/ sound. We found this one quite hard to pick up so have done lots of extra practice too!

Thank you for all of your Harvest donations!


This week we finished our unit on ‘Perfectly Norman’. We read the rest of the story and found that Norman realised his coat was making him miserable, not his wings. He took his coat off and found that being himself was the best thing to be. We had a go at writing a ‘feeling’ word to describe how he felt at the end of the story - some of our words were: happy, excited, thrilled, glad, pleased. 



This week, we’ve explored the numbers 1 and 2. We looked at lots of different ways we can represent these numbers - using our fingers, dice dots, numicon, objects etc. We looked for these numbers around the classroom and also talked about where we might see them out and about - on cars, houses, signs etc. We also played a game in groups with Miss Broadhurst where we rolled dice to find different numbers. We worked on the skill of ‘subitising’ 1 and 2. This means looking at a small number of things and instantly recognising how many, without needing to count!



We read the story ‘Elmer’ and discussed what made each and every one of us special. There were lots of Elmer activities set up around the classroom and we also enjoyed painting and collaging our own Elmers too. 


We also discussed how we’ve grown and changed since we were babies. We ordered pictures of ourselves from babies to now (thank you parents for sending these in!) and we absolutely loved looking at each others pictures and guessing who was who! Some of us didn’t even recognise ourselves!!



Each week we have a music lesson - we start our lessons listening and responding to a song. This means we find the beat and follow it in any way we like, clapping, tapping, nodding etc. The songs we have listened to over the last few weeks are:

Celebration - Kool and the Gang

Happy - Pharrell Williams

Sing - The Carpenters

Sing a Rainbow - Peggy Lee

Happy Birthday - Stevie Wonder

We then discuss the song, artist, if we liked or disliked it and how it makes us feel. 


We’ve also been singing lots of nursery rhymes like Pat-a-Cake, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, This Old Man, 5 Little Ducks. We love tapping along and learning the actions!

