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w/b 1st June

Hi Brilliant Badgers,

I hope that you had a lovely half-term - the weather was certainly lovely!
 It’s been really great to hear what some of you have been up to. As well as adding activities for this week, I have also added an example timetable which you may find useful if you are wanting a bit more structure. There is a blank timetable that you can use if you wish. Don't feel like you need to use them, but they are there if you want to use them.


Please keep emailing in pictures of your work, or just drop me a message to let me know what you have been up to. I will always reply to these emails, so please send some photos in to share some of your activities. I am in school on Thursday and Friday this week. Remember, there is no expectation to do all of the work on this page.  It is better to do a little bit of work each day well, rather than trying to do all of the work posted.  Feel free to try some of the work from other year groups too if you are finding some of the English and Maths work to be too tricky.  Whilst we are still in these unusual times, it is vital that everyone has family time as well, to relax and take time for themselves.


Take care Brilliant Badgers - missing you all! Mrs Maynard smiley

A Brilliant Badger has kindly sent in a recipe for Rock Cakes that they have made at home. Perhaps you might want to make some too; please send photos if you do! The recipe is below smiley


Learning Project


Each week I will be adding a learning project to your child’s home learning page.

The theme of the learning project will run from reception through to Year 6, with activities for you to choose from.

Brothers or sisters – this means that you can learn together! 

I hope that this will provide a variety of activities and allow you to be as creative as you like. Don’t forget to send in your photos!


The Learning Projects are based on the National Curriculum expectations for the key stage which your child is in. It may be that your child finds the tasks set within the Learning Project for their year group too simple. If this is the case, then we suggest that your child accesses the Learning Projects which are set for the key stage above. Equally, if the projects are too challenging, then we advise that your child accesses the projects for the key stage below.


This week the Learning Project is titled: Around the World.

The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about countries and cities around the world. Learning may focus on different cultures and traditions, famous landmarks, food and clothing. 


Activities for you to choose from throughout the week:


Virtual Explorer


What are the continents of the world? Where are they located? What languages are spoken in these continents? Ask your child to use Google Maps to explore a continent of their choice. Can they create a continent fact file or choose a particular country they are interested in and create an information guide including the weather, tourist locations, landmarks, weather, traditional music, food, flags. Remember to tweet a photo of their fact file or information guide #TheLearningProjects.  


Mask Making


Ask your child to use paper or cardboard and a range of materials around the home to design and create their own African mask. Can they find out their importance to African culture by watching this clip?


Dance Around the World


Use to dance along to some different cultural dances from around the world, such as the Brazilian Samba, the traditional Diwali stick dance or the Spanish Flamenco. Your child can design a cultural costume for their favourite dance and label it with suitable materials.  Why not record a video to share with your school’s Twitter? Encourage your child to watch the recording back and evaluate their dance. Recommendation at least 2 hours of exercise a week.


Speak the Language


Encourage your child to discuss with their family the links they and their family have to the wider world. Find out places family members have visited on holiday, work/business links or simply countries they would like to visit in the future. Have a go at learning some simple phrases in different languages from around the world and write the phrases using the colours of the flag for that country. You could visit the Mrs Mandarin website


Tribal Traditions


Ask your child to find out about the cultural differences, customs and traditions of an indiginous group/tribe from around the world such as the Maori people, Native Americans, the Yanomami tribe or the African Maasai tribe. Ask your child, why it is important indigious people are remembered? Can your child create some artwork inspired by one of the tribes?



STEM Learning Opportunities #sciencefromhome


Engineering Around the World – World’s Tallest Tower


In 2020 the new world’s largest tower will be the Jeddah Tower, in Saudi Arabia. It will have 200 floors and will the reach 1008 meters high.

Use scrap paper and junk box materials to build a tower. You might like to search for photos of the ‘Jeddah Tower’ to help you with your design.

What is the tallest tower you can build?

PE -

Activities focusing on Athletics
