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w.c. 28.11.22

This week in phonics we have been revisiting learning from this half-term to help ensure the children can recall and use all of the new graphemes more confidently. Please find below a document with words, sentences and tricky words that we have been looking at this week which you might find useful.

In English, we have starting working on our class model of a postcard. We are imagining that we have gone to the Kalahari Desert to visit Sunny the meerkat and that we are sending a postcard back to Mr Tague at school so that he knows where Year 1 is! We thought about the introduction part of the postcard this week, telling Mr Tague where we are and what the weather is like. The children came up with some fabulous suggestions of vocabulary to use - with a little help from Fantastic Fox who is always so keen to help the Foxes with their writing!

Please find below the spellings that will be tested on Friday 9th December, which are words with the suffix 'er' or 'est', or with the prefix 'un'. The children might find these a little more difficult, but the important thing is to try hard and to 'donut' give up! I will send home a printed list of spellings with your child on a Friday in the home spelling book and they will be available on the class page, as well as being set on Spelling Shed. 

In maths, we have been continuing our learning of subtraction, thinking about first, then, and now. For example, first there are 6 apples, then 2 are eaten, now there 4 are left. Could your Fantastic Fox have a go at the questions below?

We have worked extremely hard using number lines to count back and to complete subtraction sums. 

In computing over the last few weeks, the Fantastic Foxes have enjoyed getting to grips with using a mouse more confidently and accurately to experiment with the drawing tools and colours on a painting app website. It was a little tricky at first but they all did so well with persevering to improve their skills.
