This week the Fantastic Foxes have been showing just how fantastic they are as they started to learn about split digraphs. We have discussed the other graphemes (letters) that we already know that make the same phoneme (sound) and discussed how split digraphs still have two letters that make one sound, they are just separate by another letter. Please find a document below to show the split digraphs that we have learnt this week, along with some words that include them and also the tricky words from this week. Reading these at home with your child will help to build their confidence. Maybe ask them to show you where the split digraphs are in the words as this is the aspect children generally find difficult - learning how to spot them in unfamiliar words.
Please find below the spellings that will be tested on Friday 25th November, which are plural words. The children might find these a little more difficult with their being different spellings included, but the important thing is to try hard and to 'donut' give up! I will send home a printed list of spellings with your child on a Friday in the home spelling book and they will be available on the class page, as well as being set on Spelling Shed.
This week in Maths, we are continuing our learning on addition. We are trying very hard to use equipment, such as counters, to help us to work out the missing parts independently. Could your Fantastic Fox have a go at the questions below? Beads, lego or even cereal could be used instead of counters to help your child work out the missing parts.
In English, we have been detectives! We looked at postcards and tried to spot as many features as we could - what makes a postcard a postcard? We gave Mrs Maynard lots of ideas! Thank you everyone who sent in postcards, they were so useful. We will build on this over the next few weeks, before writing our own postcards just like Sunny the meerkat did in Meerkat Mail.
Mrs Robinson arranged for a wonderful activity that will be displayed in a local church next month. We learnt a little bit about the history of St. Wilfred's church in Barrow-upon-Trent before having a go at cutting out and decorating an angel that will be displayed in the church, as part of their '1000 angels' display to celebrate the church being 1000 years old! We were so sensible when sharing the resources while creating these with our visitors - fabulous work Fantastic Foxes!
The children have really enjoyed taking part in a live webinar with author Alex Millmore. He read us his latest book ‘I Did See a Mammoth’ and then we had a go at drawing the mammoth following his instructions. The session was very interactive, we got to ask him questions in the chat and he answered them all. One of the children suggested that the mammoth went to the arcade, Alex loved this idea and drew it into his illustration. At the end we asked for him to hold up mammoth again so we could get a photo.