It maybe useful to start this weeks tasks with the Explorer's Picnic activity (below), as I have linked writing and some of the maths to this task.
I have found some extra information and learning tasks for music today.
Explorer Picnic
During this week, think about planning, designing and making a picnic for an expedition!
You need to consider ingredients for a healthy sandwich and fruit salad, which you will later make for a picnic in a far flung corner of your garden, outdoor space or favourite room in your house.
1.First find out about healthy eating. Visit...
More information for parents -
Complete PSHE healthy eating activities below.
Create a healthy living poster and complete the exercise recording sheet for healthy living.
2. Draw and label a picture/ plan of your picnic. Include a shopping list of ingredients and think about whether there will just be you or others in your family who will join you for your expedition picnic.
3. Stay Safe- check with your adult before using knives to cut sandwiches and chop fruit and remember to wash your hands!
4. Make your sandwich. Carefully spread the margarine or butter before adding your filling.
5. Cut your sandwich into quarters.
Talk to your parents about the fractions- identify 1/2, 1/4, 2/4 and 3/4. You may wish to add slices of tomato or cucumber- How many slices will each quarter have, if you had for example 8 or 12 slices? How many slices would be on 3/4 of the sandwich?
This activity will link to maths fraction tasks you may look at later. See link below.
6. Think carefully about the stages of making your sandwich because I would like you to write clear instructions later for another explorer (a friend) to make your sandwich. You may want to take some photos so you can add these to your instruction writing.
7. Next, prepare (wash and peel) and chop the fruit into small pieces. Mix the fruit with a little juice to make a fruit salad. You could take a photo of your picnic to show me later.
8. Pack up your picnic and take away for your expedition. You will need to think about how you pack your sandwiches and fruit salad carefully. Don't forget a drink!
9. Afterwards, think about how you could improve your picnic.
Would you add other ingredients or change ingredients to make it even better?
Where would you like to have a picnic when we can all go out and about again?
Can you make your picnic healthier or cost less? What could you swap or change?
You may want to use the following Expedition Design worksheet below or just draw and write out your own.