Hi everyone.
I hope that you all had a lovely half term and that you managed to get some relaxation time with your families.
This week marks the beginning of our last half term at primary school. Therefore, I have added some secondary school transition lessons as well as the usual English, Maths and Topic lessons. Specific transition work for each secondary school will be posted on this home learning page once it becomes available. Try to do any English and Maths transition work before/instead of carrying out the English/Maths work below. If your secondary school’s English and Maths transition work has not been posted on this page yet, go straight onto the usual English and Maths work instead. I will be in school on Thursday and Friday of this week, so please feel free to contact me then, or send an email at anytime through the home learning parent contact link on the website. As always, it would be lovely to see any work that you have been doing at school, so please send me this through the home learning link and I will comment and reply to this personally.
Remember, there is no expectation to do all of the work on this page. It is better to do a little bit of work each day well rather than trying to do all of the work posted. Feel free to try some of the work from other year groups too if you are finding some of the English and Maths work to be too tricky. Whilst we are still in these unusual times, it is vital that everyone has family time as well, to relax and take time for themselves.
Once again, I have added an example timetable which you may want to use this week, as well as a blank one for you to print off to add activities on for yourself.
Take care and I hope to see you all soon.
Best wishes,
Mr Rodgers
Secondary School Transition - General |
In preparation for the children moving to their secondary school, I have put some resources on the home learning site which address different issues surrounding the transition process. These are designed for the children to work through either on their own or with an adult. There are powerpoint slides and an accompanying work booklet which they can use to write down information in. The two books which the resources are based upon are called ‘You Are Awesome’ written by Matthew Syed and ‘Go Big’ written by Matthew Burton (from the TV programme Educating Yorkshire). Both of these books can be bought online, but the children do not need to have these books in order to complete the activities here. Each week up to the end of term, I will post one or two different sessions for the children to work through. I have also included information for parents about these resources and transition to any secondary school. I hope that you find these useful. |
John Port Spencer Academy Transition Tasks |
For the children who are transferring to John Port Spencer Academy in September, two booklets have been produced for the children to carry out – one for English and one for Maths. The tasks in the booklet are designed to allow the teachers at John Port to see what the children are able to do in the different subjects. The maths transition tasks cover a wide range of mathematical topics from ratio through to fractions. You can do the maths tasks in any order you wish. If you find that one is tricky, feel free to leave this out and try a different one. Don’t worry if you cannot do all of the booklet either. Aim to have a go at the transition booklets before/instead of the normal English and Maths work below.
For the English transition task, you have to use the image provided to write a description of this and explain what happened. Try to carry out a plan before you start to write this. What can you see? Think about the mood which the image creates; what do you think has happened? Think about using the FANTASTICS which we use in class: Feelings; Asking; Noticing; Touching; Action; Smelling; Tasting; Imagining; Checking. Think about using precise language for your description. Remember though that your final piece of writing will have to be your neatest piece of work – you will want to make a good impression to your teachers for September.
Both of these booklets can be found and downloaded from the John Port Transition Webpage using the link below.
Good luck with these tasks. I will be in school on Thursday and Friday of this week so please feel free to call me if you need further guidance, or email the parent contact link on the home learning page and I will respond by email instead.
For those children who are transferring to other schools, once I know of any transition tasks to be completed, I shall make them available on the Year 6 home learning page. |
English |
For those children who are not transferring to John Port School, or if you have finished the John Port English work, these are this week’s English tasks from the BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons:
Monday: Antonyms and synonyms Tuesday: Character development and verb tenses Wednesday: Settings and fronted adverbials Thursday: Using parenthesis Friday: Planning and writing a story
There are also two reading comprehension tasks which can be completed. The first one is about the man who invented the World Wide Web and the second one is based on the story of Pickles the dog who found the World Cup which had been stolen in 1966. |
Spellings |
The spellings for this week can be found on Spelling Shed - More lists - Assignments - Week 26 spellings (-ible). Use Spelling Shed to learn the spellings this week and then click on the activities below to practise these further. |
Maths |
For those children who are not transferring to John Port School, or if you have finished the John Port Maths work, these are this week’s Maths tasks from from the BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons:
Monday: Converting fractions into percentages Tuesday: Converting common equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages Wednesday: Order and compare fractions, decimals and percentages Thursday: Percentages of amounts Friday: Challenge of the week
The accompanying worksheets for the daily lessons can also be found below.
I have also included another 'Maths Mystery' puzzle following the positive feedback from parents about these tasks. This week, the mystery is about a royal wedding. Good luck! |
Topic |
Learning Project
Each week I will be adding a learning project to your child’s home learning page. The theme of the learning project will run from reception through to Year 6, with activities for you to choose from. Brothers or sisters – this means that you can learn together! I hope that this will provide a variety of activities and allow you to be as creative as you like. Don’t forget to send in your photos! https://www.willington.derbyshire.sch.uk/contact-us-about-learning-at-home/
The Learning Projects are based on the National Curriculum expectations for the key stage which your child is in. Should your child find the projects are too challenging, then we advise that your child accesses the projects set for Years 3 and 4.
This week the Learning Project is titled: Around the World. The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about countries and cities around the world. Learning may focus on different cultures and traditions, famous landmarks, food and clothing.
Activities for you to choose from throughout the week:
Flags of the World
Flags are a national symbol for all countries. Cultures use different symbols and colours on their flags which are meaningful to them and represent their history and people. Ask your child to pick 5 countries and investigate their flags. What symbols and colours have they used? Why are these significant to this country? Can your child create a flag for the UK which they feel represents our culture, history and people? Share at #TheLearningProjects .
Tastes of the World
Children all around the world eat a variety of food and many of the foods we eat today are inspired by other countries. Can your child research and make a dish from another country which they have not tried before? They could find a recipe, source the ingredients via an online shop and follow the recipe to create a dish for the whole family.
International Games
As part of the London 2012 Olympics a variety of countries were asked to name a traditional game which represented their culture and traditions. Use the link https://www.britishcouncil.org/sites/default/files/international_inspiration_traditional_games_-_map_of_the_world.pdf. Ask your child to research these games and take inspiration from them to design their own game. Encourage your child to think about how the game is played, how you win and what equipment is needed. Where possible, they should test their game and make any changes needed. Ask them to present their game through writing and pictures. These could be handwritten or digital.
From Birmingham to Johannesburg
Direct your child to think about what it would be like to live in another country. Do they think their life would be the same or completely different? Use the clip https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/geography-ks1-ks2-your-world-birmingham-johannesburg/zv2rkmn to compare living in Birmingham to Johannesburg. Ask your child to show the similarities and differences between their life and Nwabisa’s life in South Africa. They may wish to show this in a Venn diagram, table or a poster.
Exploring the World
Throughout history many people have explored new places. You can find out about some of them here https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/ks2-explorers/zjh8bdm Ask your child to pick an explorer from the list or one of their choice. They could map out the places that the explorer visited or they could create a piece of art inspired by the places they visited using digital images as support. They may wish to write a diary entry from the explorer’s point of view to share what they have seen and experienced.
STEM Learning Opportunities #sciencefromhome
Engineering Around the World – Telescopes
● The James Webb telescope will be the largest, most powerful and complex space telescope ever built and launched into space in 2021. ● The telescope will be launched into space using a rocket, this means it will have to be strong enough to withstand the vibrations during the launch. Use an egg to represent the telescope and design a rocket that will surround and protect the egg/telescope during the launch. ● For more information and ideas look here https://www.stem.org.uk/resources/elibrary/resource/445673/james-webb-space-telescope-vibration-design-testing |