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Reception Sept 23

The Happy Hedgehogs


2023 -2024

Welcome to the class page for Reception - The Happy Hedgehogs!

Visit here for weekly updates on what your child has been doing in school. 


If you would like to speak with Mrs Miller or any of the Early Years staff, please feel free to chat to us outside at the end of the day.  Alternatively, you can contact us using the following email address:

For urgent messages, please ring the school office - 01283 702156

Communication about your child's class and the school will be sent out via Parenthub.


 Mrs Miller

Other adults supporting in Reception are...

Mrs Ritson, (Teaching Assistant), Mrs Gadsby (Teaching Assistant) and MrsTwigg (Teaching Assistant). 


PE Days - Tuesday and Wednesday. 

On these days, PE Kits are to be worn to school.



