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Week 1

Spring Term 2 - Week 1:


This week, the children have returned from half term and have begun two new PE topics.  On Mondays, the children have begun to carry out a unit called 'Outdoor and Adventurous Activities'.  This is where the children complete a variety of activities to develop their teamwork and communication skills.  The children particularly enjoyed the first lesson this week and are looking forward to continuing this next week.


On Thursdays, Rickay from Deda Dance in Derby began to teach the children Tudor dancing.  It was really clear how the children became very focused with this style of dance, working hard with their compliments in their routines to create some fantastic performances.  Rickay will continue to teach this unit of work every Thursday this half term.


In art this week, we have begun to study the artist Paul Nash.  We discussed how he was commissioned by the government during World War I to create art work to depict the scenes of this era, and also his work towards the start of the Second World War, up to his passing in 1946.  The children then worked on sketching their own versions of a Spitfire plane, firstly through observational drawing techniques, and then with the aid of an step-by-step video support.  Below are some of their sketches.
