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Week 3

This week, we introduced the Zones of Regulation. 


At WPS, we want children to be able to recognise their emotions and equip them with the tools to help them to self-regulate and manage their feelings. In the Zones of Regulation, there are 4 Zones: blue, green, yellow and red. Everyone experiences all of the Zones and all of the Zones are expected at one time or another.


The Zones can be likened to traffic lights:

  • Green - good to GO
  • Yellow - SLOW down or take warning
  • Red - STOP and regain control
  • Blue - REST and recharge 

Lesson 1 - Children were introduced to the Zones

Lesson 2 - Children played emotion bingo to help embed the understanding of the Zones.

Lesson 3 - We watched a clip from Finding Nemo and identified the Zones in other characters. We also discussed how the Zone we are in can impact others.

Lesson 4 - We looked at various scenarios and discussed which Zone we would be in if they happened to us.


Over the next few weeks, we will introduce the children to strategies that could be used in each Zone. Children will create their own personal tool box which they can refer to when they are in the different Zones. 
