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Literacy, Phonics and Spelling

Focus Stories

Handa's Surprise by Eileen Brown 

The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson 

Below are links to the stories to listen to and watch, if you don't have the stories at home.

 Then choose activities from a number of literacy based tasks below.

Once your child has found out about different places linked to The World topic, they may like to have a go at writing a postcard from a place they may like to visit or a place they have already been to. I have included a presentation and writing sheets to do this.

Phonics and Spelling

The Summer Term is where we consolidate all the sounds we have learnt across the year.

Any work you can do to revise these sounds, particularly the Phase 3 digraphs (1 sound made of 2 letters e.g. ai, ee) and trigraphs (1 sound made of 3 letters e.g. igh) would be great.

Twinkl is the resource we use in school so I would recommend using their website for resources. The Powerpoints are excellent and self-explanatory, they contain a story which introduces the sound, songs and actions and a couple of games for the children to play.


The sounds I would suggest recapping are:

All phase 2 –

s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f/ff, l/ll, ss


Phase 3 –

j, v, w, x

y, z/zz, qu, ch

sh, th (voice box off, as in moth), th (voice box on, as in feather), ng

ai, ee, igh, oa

oo (short as in book), oo (long as in moon), ar, or

ur, ow, oi, ear

air, ure, er

Don't forget the tricky words are in the front of your child’s reading diary and if you want to practice spelling these that would be great too.

I have added ‘Tricky Word’ lists onto Spelling Shed for the children to practice.
