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At Willington Primary, we believe spelling is an important element of writing and aids fluency and confidence in the use of written language.

Initially in the EYFS and Year 1, spellings are taught in accordance with our phonics scheme (Little Wandle Revised Letters and Sounds). Children are taught to use their knowledge of phonemes and graphemes to segment and spell simple words that are closely matched to their phonetic ability. At each Letters and Sounds phase, they are also taught key 'tricky' high frequency words.  

In order to meet the statutory spelling  requirements as set out in the 2014 English National Curriculum, we have adopted the recently updated (September 2022) version of Spelling Shed, which has been developed in light of the most recent research into teaching spelling. This version continues and supports the strategies we use to teach phonetic spelling in the Early Years and Year 1 and then extends to support the teaching and learning of different spelling patterns and rules. In addition, we also teach aspects of morphology and etymology to enhance understanding of word meaning We have adapted the sequence of Stage 1 for Year 1 to align with Little Wandle Phonics Scheme.

Children in Year 1 and 2 also learn statutory Common Exception Words and in Years 3/4 and Years 5/6 have Statutory Spelling Word Lists to learn.

Each week, appropriate spellings are set in accordance to assessments and using the appropriate stages from the Spelling Shed Scheme. Children are able to practise spellings at home either in a home spelling book or through games played on a digital device. Children are taught spellings in short discrete spelling lessons and are practised throughout the week to ensure knowledge becomes embedded. 

We monitor the use of Spelling Shed on digital devices and celebrate spelling success each week through house point rewards. 

National Curriculum Supporting Document
