Week 4
This week we have learnt 4 more sounds…
g, o, c, k
We’ve enjoyed saying these sounds and finding lots of things that begin with these sounds too. We’ve also been blending previous sounds together to read CVC words - at the beginning of the week Mrs Braddock was doing a lot of the demonstrating but now we’re having a really good go on our own!!
Some of the words we’ve been reading are: sat, sit, tap, man, dog, kit, cap, pot, dig, kid etc. Maybe you could test us at home! We’ve also learnt our first tricky word — is. We’ve learnt this word is tricky because the /s/ doesn’t make a sssss sound it makes a zzz sound!
At the beginning of the week we were comparing amounts to 5. We used 5 frames to count and compare amounts and played lots of games on the whiteboard. We've been using the language of more, fewer and the same (although we found ‘fewer’ a bit trickier!).
We then moved on to copying, continuing and creating our own simple patterns. We enjoyed doing coloured patterns but next week will explore simple shape and object patterns too.
In literacy we are on Plot Point 2 of Perfectly Norman - we read the next couple of pages and Norman says that he always expected to grow up to be taller, bigger, grow a beard etc but he never expected to grow wings! We talked about what happens when we grow up and thought about how we have changed since we were babies. We then talked about all the things babies need (and don’t need!) and sorted them into the correct columns in a cut and stick activity.
We have been thinking about the special people in our lives. These may be people we live with, members of our family, friends, pets or other important and special people that we enjoy spending time with and care about. We talked about why these people are special to us and described what they look like. We then completed a “Special People Wheel” - we put ourselves in the middle and drew our special people around the outside.