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Week 5

Summer Term 1 - Week 5:


This week, the children have been busy taking their End of Key Stage 2 SATs tests.  Throughout the week, the class worked really hard and should be really proud of the focus, hard work and determination they showed during the tests.


On Thursday afternoon, the class received their leavers' hoodies and then began to think about the leavers' production - 'School Daze'.  Auditions for this will take place next week.


On Friday, the children took part in an action-packed 'Fun Friday' to celebrate the end of the SATs.  The day began with the children riding their bikes and taking part in a 'slow race' on the playground.  After a game of 'Capture the Flag', the children visited the park next to the school where they even got to scare Mr Rodgers on the tyre swing!  In the afternoon, the class took part in lots of different games on the field, including hide and seek tig and a water relay game which the children thoroughly enjoyed!  Some of the photos from the funday can be seen below:
