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Week 1 beginning 20th April

Dear parents/carers,


This half-term our topic would have been ‘Down at the Bottom of the Garden’ which is a topic based on the idea of ‘Growing’. As the weather continues to improve, we would have been spending lots of time outside, planting the raised beds around the Reception outdoor area. We also would have been reading lots of stories with an outdoor theme and thinking about life cycles of Frogs. Alongside learning about plants and animals, the children would also be learning about where food comes from, healthy eating and making food such as bread and fruit salad.


I hope you are all keeping well. I am missing the children lots and hope to see them all back at school soon. It has been so lovely seeing what many of you are up to on Tapestry, it really does cheer me up! So please keep sending them if you can.


Below I have outlined some more structured learning you can do at home over the first 2 weeks, but please don’t feel you have to do them all. It is just as important to spend time in the garden, riding bikes, cooking, painting and being creative. I will update the documents weekly, but the overall theme may remain the same e.g. The Enormous Turnip in Literacy and Pattern in Numeracy. 


Lots of the links here are for the website Twinkl. Parents can get free access to this site during school closures please see Use the password ‘CVDTWINKLHELPS’ to redeem membership.


Kindest regards,

Mrs. Braddock

Home Learning Week Beginning 20th April
