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wc. 31st October 22

Week 1


Welcome back Badgers!

It has been a very exciting week – one of the main reasons being that (as you will probably have heard at home already!!) we’ve taken our violins/cellos home with us. In our lesson on Thursday, we had another go on our instrument and this time got our bow out to practise with too. I have been so impressed with how sensible and hardworking all of the badgers have been in these lessons and can’t wait to see (and hear!) what we produce as a class! On this note, instruments should be returned to school on Monday so that we can ensure that they’re ready to continue learning in our lessons.

In other news – in maths, we finished our place value lessons by learning about rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1,000. The children have worked so hard on this skill and enjoyed working through a number of tricky challenges!

For art, we’ve created these fantastic Ancient Egyptian death masks. We were mostly inspired by Tutankhamun’s death mask and used this when we began practising our sketches. We then drew our own version on black card and used chalk to colour them in – don’t they look fantastic?!

In English, we began working on our proof reading and editing skills. We spent some time checking whether we included all of the ‘lenses’ we’d chosen to create our success criteria, then began using word mats and dictionaries to help us edit our work.

We’ve begun our gymnastics lessons with Rosie, which will continue every Monday for this half term. In our lesson this week, we talked about different shapes we could make (straight, pike, straddle, star etc.) and then created our own sequences incorporating them.

Finally, we had a very exciting end to the week to celebrate 100 years since Howard Carter discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun. We all stepped into Howard Carter’s shoes and become curious archaeologists by taking part in the Reconstruction Relay! Everyone got to crawl along a passage to the entrance of the tomb then had ten seconds to look at what was inside. They then had crawl back out of the passage and sketch what they saw as a group.
