Below are two files for this week. One contains picture based activities while the other file is a short text to read with some questions to answer - please note the answers are on the second page of this file! Please ensure you continuing to read and talk about the books you are reading.
For those of you missing our Sentence Stacking, Jane Considine, who invented the writing scheme we use in school, will be delivering daily English activities for pupils to complete at home.
Don't forget you can continue to improve your spelling abilities using Spelling Shed
I have created two files that you could also choose to work through. One is to work on improving a sentence, the other is a dragon themed piece of work. I enjoyed creating my own dragon, I hope you do too! Please continue to share your work by emailing it to school or tweeting it, I'm loving seeing what you have been working on
The school is taking part in a TT Rockstars inter-school competition again, so please ensure you go onto TT Rockstars this week - even if you only play a little during the week, it will all add up and help us to win back the title!
The children use WhiteRose Maths as the basis for their mathematical learning. The link to the website below will take you to their Year 4 webpage. The focus for this week is decimals, halves and quarters, and money. There is no expectation to carry out all of the tasks for the week, so feel free to dip into the resource how you feel fit. I have also attached a file with some reasoning questions.
Please remember that if you are struggling with anything then you can access activities from a previous class page. For example, we would rather you completed Year 3 or 2 numeracy tasks than struggle with Year 4 numeracy tasks. Home learning is new to us all and it's about keeping busy, not struggling with anything!
I have again sent each Brilliant Badger a challenge on TT Rockstars - it would be great if you could accept my challenge and see if you can beat me! Feel free to send me challenges as well, I will accept them throughout the week.
This term we would have been learning about Animals including Humans. Here is a link to a video by Maddie Moate, who has done a lot with the BBC. It is a fun way to learn about the digestive system.
Resource to support this learning are below:
Odd One Out
This week this is an online lesson available which will mean that you can practice your Spanish
It is really important for our well being to keep ourselves fit and active. I have been doing some Cosmic Kids Yoga videos with my daughter (there are lots to choose from on their YouTube channel). This week there is a resource for football, there are a lot of different activities that you can complete throughout the week. It looks a lot of fun, so please take a look