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Week Commencing 29th June

Hi there everyone,


I hope that you are all keeping well and have been enjoying the hot weather.  Rather too hot to be outside all of the time though I think!


This week, the theme of the topic activities is 'Sport'.  There are lots of fun activities which you could try out.  Perhaps you could also have a go at trying out a new sport during the week?  There are lots of celebrity sportsmen and women who are doing free tutorials for their sports.  On CBBC, Marcus Rashford is taking part in the series of 'Celebrity Supply Teacher' where he teachers a PE lesson.  Also Darcey Bussell is teaching a dance lesson in the same series too.


Many thanks to everyone who has sent in their video clips for the Year 6 Leavers’ Amarillo video.  I am starting to put these into a Year 6 Leavers' Film now.  However, we are still awaiting the last few videos so if you have not been able to send your video in yet, please send this in through the Parent Contact link on the home learning page of the website.


On Tuesday or Wednesday, those of you who will be attending the John Port Spencer Academy in September will have the opportunity to meet their form tutor online in a virtual chat.  Make sure that you have written down some questions beforehand that you can ask during the video call.


I have also included a suggested timetable for the week, and a blank timetable, should you wish to use it.  Remember, try to do a little bit of work each day.  However, you are not expected to do all the activities on this page - choose a selection which suit you.  If you find some of the English and Maths activities to be tricky this week, feel free to have a look at those from other year groups instead.


Finally, the Royal Derby Hospital has asked if we could take part in a rock painting competition this week.  The theme is to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Florence Nightingale's birth.  However, you may also like to add rainbows or messages of thanks to the NHS on your rock as well.  The rocks will be delivered to the hospital where they will be on display for everyone to see.  If you'd like to enter, further details are at the bottom of the page.  Good luck!


I hope that you all have a good week and I look forward to receiving the rest of the Amarillo videos.


Take care,


Mr Rodgers


This week’s transition unit is called ‘What is normal anyway?’  Read through the slide show and fill in the transition workbook which can be found on the home learning page from 1st June.

For those children who are moving onto John Port Spencer Academy, don’t forget that your virtual meeting with your new form tutor is either on Tuesday or Wednesday of this week.  Your parents will have had an email about this with the correct time and a username and password to use in order to access the video call.  Beforehand, try to write down some questions which you would like to ask your new form tutor about secondary school which you can ask during the meeting.



The focus for English this week is information texts.  All of the resources for the video lessons can be found on the BBC Bitesize Daily Lesson Website.  Link to these can be found below.


Monday: - Ads and brochures

Tuesday: - Maps, charts and presentations

Wednesday: - Posters and leaflets

Thursday: - Writing instructions

Friday: - English lesson: - Artemis Fowl – by Eion Colfer


Comprehension Activities

There are two comprehension activities this week based on recent events.  The first is called ‘Celebrating The NHS’ which discusses things which people have done recently to celebrate the efforts of NHS workers.  The second is called ‘Captain Tom Moore’ – a comprehension which celebrates the life and efforts of the now Colonel Tom Moore.


Grammar Activities

Over the next two weeks, can you carry out the activities from the grammar activity booklet below?  These cover a variety of topics which we have covered in class during Year 6.  The answer booklet can also be found below.


Grammar Activity Booklet - To complete over two weeks

The spellings for this week are Week 31 spellings on Spelling Shed - the link to the site is below.  The spelling games can be found under 'More Lists', 'Assignments'.  Resources for the spellings can be found below.



This week, the Maths focus is on position and direction.  These relate to the White Rose Maths resources.  Please note that the work on the BBC Bitesize site for this week has already been covered so please use the links to the videos and worksheets below instead of using the BBC site for this week in Maths.


Monday: - The first quadrant

Tuesday: - Four quadrants

Wednesday: - Translations

Thursday: - Reflections

Friday: - Maths Mystery – The Mystery of the Olympic Ringer


Alternatively, use the I See Reasoning Maths videos below.


I have also included the mental maths puzzles from last week which you can continue with.  Are you able to do one of these within the time of one minute?



Learning Project


This week the Learning Project is titled: Sports.

The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about sports and games. Learning may focus on the history of sport, sporting-heroes, physical challenges and performance.


Activities for you to choose from throughout the week:


Sport Genius


Research about sporting history using and see how many different facts you can find out about sports from the past using Create your own sporting trivia quiz which you can test out on members of the household. Or place different sporting events from the last 100 years onto a timeline.



Sporting Heroes


Select your favourite sporting star. Draw a portrait of them in the style of the famous pop artist Roy Lichtenstein using felt tip pens or paint. Please send in your creations.



Name that Sport


Create an orienteering map of your home/garden -

At each location you will need to create a question relating to a sport e.g. Which sport has the most rules? The answers can then be recorded on an orienteering sheet. How about a challenge? Can you create an answer that begins with the letter of the next location? Test it out on a family member.



 Beat It!


Measure your resting heart rate by counting how many beats in a minute. Then carry out an exercise e.g. running, skipping, star jumps etc. for 3 minutes. Once you have completed this, carry out a recovery activity e.g. walking or sitting and see how long

it takes for your heart rate to go back to normal. Repeat this with different recovery exercises to see which is the most effective at getting your heart rate back to normal the quickest. Can you create a way of showing your results?



Anyone Can Be a Champion!


This activity is all about exploring the diversity of sport. Research the history of the Paralympics - Discuss why we have the Paralympics. Create a poster which presents the importance of the Paralympics and the range of different sports there are.



STEM Learning Opportunities #sciencefromhome


Heart Beaters


● Can you tickle yourself? How many litres of blood do you have in your body? How many times does your heart beat in a day? Test your family with a body trivia quiz. Create your own cards or download some from here -






Some great PE activities sent from Mrs Powell to link with our Sports Learning Projects.

Click on the documents below - enjoy!




