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Week 3

Summer Term 1 - Week 3:


This week, the children have been investigating angles in maths.  They used masking tape to cover their tables and make straight lines, then used whiteboard pens to write on their tables to mark the different angles.  Once they measured some of the angles, they were able to calculate missing angles using their knowledge of angles in triangles, quadrilaterals and around a point.


In English, the children completed work on Windrush Child, writing a balanced argument about their journey to Britain.  The children published their pieces of work and were really proud of their presentation of their final pieces of work.


In our PE lessons, the children have been learning to play rounders.  In groups, they developed their bowling and catching skills, before playing small games of rounders using the correct bats and ball.  Next week, the children will develop these further when they play  in larger game situations.


The children have begun their new art topic based on Batik this week.  They looked at examples of Batik and then created their own enlarged versions of these.  Some of their pieces of work can be seen below - they are very proud of them!
