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Week Commencing 8th June

Hi everyone,


I hope that you are all well and keeping safe.  It is such a shame that it has stopped being so sunny over the last few days - let's hope we can get outside once again over the next week.


Did you all get the message about filming a clip for our socially distanced 'Amarillo' video?  If possible (and you've not filmed it already) try to film it with the phone or ipad in landscape please so that the video will fill the screen.  If you can do up to 4 videos from different parts of the song and then send these in to me through the parent contact email then I shall choose some to put into the final film.  Have fun!


This week's topic is 'Under The Sea'.  The topic challenges are at the bottom of the screen so you can select any of these to do over the week.  I have also included the next transition topic session to read through and the John Port transition tasks too.


The Maths and English work is also on this page.  For any football fans, there was a fantastic Maths puzzle on the I See Maths daily lesson site a few days ago so if you didn't get the chance to look at it, have a go at this.  The lesson can be found by clicking on the I See Maths link below.


Have a great week everyone.  I shall be in school towards the end of the week if you would like to give me a call or give me a wave as you take your daily exercise around the village.


Stay safe everyone and I hope to see you all soon.


Take care,


Mr Rodgers

Secondary School Transition
This week, we are continuing with the transition materials which we started last week.  This week, there is just one session to complete – session 3.  This session is titled ‘Dare To Take Risks’ and focuses on hopes for the future and the fear of failing.  You will need to watch some videos and use your workbook to write some thoughts down during the session. 


John Port Transition Work

For the children who are transferring to John Port Spencer Academy in September, the focus for English and Maths this week is to complete the John Port transition booklets.  Remember thought, If you find that one is tricky, feel free to leave this out and try a different one.  Don’t worry if you cannot do all of the booklet either.  Aim to have a go at the transition booklets before/instead of the normal English and Maths work below. 


Both of these booklets can be found and downloaded from the John Port Transition Webpage (if you didn’t do this last week) using the link below. 


Good luck with these tasks.  I will be in school on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week so please feel free to call me if you need further guidance, or email the parent contact link on the home learning page and I will respond by email instead. 


For those children who are transferring to other schools, once I know of any transition tasks to be completed, I shall make them available on the Year 6 home learning page. 



For those children who are not transferring to John Port School, or if you have finished the John Port English work, these are this week’s English tasks from the BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons: 


Monday: Apostrophes 

Tuesday: Direct and indirect speech 

Wednesday: Commas for clarity 

Thursday: Features and writing 

Friday: Reading Lesson: - The Wolves of Willoughby Chase by Joan Aiken 


There are also two reading comprehension tasks which can be completed.  The first one is a story called ‘Mexico City’ and the second comprehension is called ‘Mexico’ - A non-fiction comprehension about the country of Mexico. 



The spellings for this week can be found on Spelling Shed.  Click on ‘More Lists’ then ‘Assignments’.  The spellings for this week are ‘Week 27 –ibly'.  Resources and games for learning these spellings can be found on the links below. 



For those children who are not transferring to John Port School, or if you have finished the John Port Maths work, these are this week’s Maths tasks from the BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons: 


Monday: Finding a rule with one and two steps. 

Tuesday: Forming expressions and understanding algebra 

Wednesday: Substituting into simple expressions and formulae 

Thursday: Forming and solving one step equations 

Friday: Maths in football 


The accompanying worksheets for the daily lessons can also be found below. 


Alternatively, you can take part in the daily ‘I See Maths’ lessons using the link to the web page below.  These will focus on your reasoning and problem solving skills.  I have also included another Maths Mystery Puzzle.  This week’s is called ‘The Summer Mystery Of The Burgled Bangers’.  The link to this can be found below.  I have also put some Year 6 Maths challenges below.  If you have any free time and would like a bit of a challenge, these look to be quite fun.  They are linked to different sports, including football and dancing.  The answers are at the end of the booklet.  I would be really interested to see how you worked them out so please send any photos of your work through to the parent contact link.



Learning Project


This week the Learning Project is titled: Under the Sea.

The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about life in and around the sea. Learning may focus on the strange and wonderful creatures and plants that occupy our oceans, their habitats and how human beings affect this environment.


Activities for you to choose from throughout the week:


Working Together to Save Our Oceans

The BBC programme Blue Planet 2 sparked an outcry about the health of our oceans and the huge threat caused by plastics, but lots of people around the world are working hard to help solve this problem. Direct your child to read about Madison Edwards, a 12 year old environmental activist -

Encourage them to do their bit to help preserve our oceans by asking them to keep a ‘plastic diary recording how much single-use plastic the family uses. Ask them to write down one thing that the family will do to use less plastic


Speeding Through The Seas

Sailfish are the fastest fish in the ocean -

Challenge your child to be just as speedy and complete the following 5 activities as fast as possible: Star jumps, tuck jumps, press-ups, squats and lunges. Ask them to record how many repetitions of each activity they can perform in 1 minute. Can they beat their personal best? Challenge them to record their heart rate (beats per minute) after each activity.          


Pirates: Daring Figures of History or Brutal Sea-Thieves?

Many books have been written and movies made about pirates. But who were the real pirates of the past? Direct your child to explorethese facts about real pirates from history -

They could create a fact file or information report about what they have learned, including key dates and figures. Alternatively, they could create a ‘wanted’ poster for a pirate, including facts about his/her deeds and adventures.  


Bioluminescence: Lighting up Our Oceans

Many sea creatures possess a fascinating light-producing ability called bioluminescence -

Some fish dangle a lighted lure in front of their mouths to attract prey, while some squid shoot out bioluminescent liquid, instead of ink, to confuse their predators. Direct your child to find out about bioluminescence​ -  and how some sea creatures rely on this for their survival -  

They could then choose a sea creature which uses bioluminescence (like the anglerfish) and create a poster fact sheet about it, including what bioluminescence is and how their chosen sea creature uses it. 


Artwork to Light up Your Life

Following on from what your child learned about bioluminescence, direct them to create a bioluminescent sea creature inspired piece of artwork. Based on the resources you have available at home, they could choose to express this as a drawing or as a model  Encourage them to use bright colours and to be as realistic as possible. Remember to tweet a photo of their artwork using #TheLearningProjects.


STEM Learning Opportunities #sciencefromhome

Autosub 6000 Ocean Floor Mission


Children will need a basic understanding of Scratch before carrying out this Unit. Guides and online tutorials are available here if needed -


Use scratch to debug and improve the Autosub6000 around the ocean floor. Activity notes and instructions can be found here -



PE activities focusing on Cricket
