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w/b 6th July

Hi Brilliant Badgers! I bet you are all excited to find out who you have teaching you next year - I knew you'd be pleased. This weeks theme is Animals so there are lots of lovely activities to do related to this topic. Keep sending your photos in so we can see what you have been up to! Take care Brilliant Badgers, Mrs Maynardsmiley


You could practise your spellings using the Roll and Spell activity that we did in class. I have attached the file below if you want to use this as a fun way to practise your spellings. You could always decide on a list of words that you know you struggle with spelling and try to improve your accuracy!


Use your research skills to make a list of countries that have a desert in them. 


Research different types of tigers, where they can be found and how many are left in the wild.


Research different kinds of snakes! Which snakes are poisonous, which ones are constrictors and which ones are harmless. Can you find out which is the most common snake to be kept as a pet?



This week the Learning Project is titled: Animals.

The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more

about key animals they are interested in. Learning may focus on exploring the

physical aspects of an animal, their habitat, categorising animals etc.


Activities for you to choose from throughout the week:


Let us Wonder


Create fact files about deadly predators. Draw pictures of the predators

and label them with information they find out. Where does the predator live? Why does it live there? What does it eat? How does it capture its prey? What special qualities do these predators have? Make a food chain to demonstrate why a predator is at the top of the chain. They could make a set of top trump cards using the information they found out.


Let us Create


Explore the artist Franz Marc - Find out who he was and what type of artist he was. What did he like to create pictures? Look at some of his paintings online. Then choose an animal to draw and add colour to, in a similar style to his. What do they think of his paintings? Did they like their finished piece of artwork? Why? / Why not?


Be Active


Get out into the garden and make a bug hotel. Go on a mini beast hunt and record what they find. If they find any minibeasts they have not seen before they could always look it up online. What can they find out about these amazing creatures?


Time to Talk


Find out which animals are their family members' favourites and why. Have a

family debate about whether zoos should exist. Discuss whether they agree/disagree and why? Do their family members have a different opinion to them? Why not debate whether animals should be kept as pets?


Understanding Others and Appreciating Differences


Which animals are considered to be sacred around the world and why? Sacred Animals -

Who admires cows? Lions? Wolves? Which animals were important to the Egyptians and why?

PE - 

Or try these racket sports activities ...
