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Home Learning Week 2 W/C 27th April



The focus for this week is Adding and Subtracting Fractions.


There is no expectation to carry out all of the tasks for the week, so feel free to dip into the resource and have a go!

From the link, you can also access the home learning for Year 1 and Year 2 – if you are struggling with Year 3 then have a go at previous class activities to build your confidence. We don’t want anyone to be struggling!



Sentence Stacking


For those of you missing our Sentence Stacking, Jane Considine, who invented the writing scheme we use in school, will be delivering daily English activities for pupils to complete at home. Click on the link below to join in.


Instruction Texts


The National Academy are updating their site weekly with lessons for each year group.

Have a look at the instructional text week (Week 1) where you will write instructions for your own robot!


From the above link, click on Year 3 and then work through the lessons from week 1.





I have added some more video links from the BBC and other ideas in the grid below too!


Video 3 – How does water get from the roots to the leaves of a plant?


Video 4 - The impact deforestation has on plants and nature.



Look out for flowers and plants in the garden and when on walks.



Plant seeds in the garden.



Plant seeds in different places to see if this alters growth – shaded part of the garden and sunny part of the garden.



Create a natural collage or use nature to create art e.g. leaf printing.



Have a go at the experiment from Video 3 (

You could write up the experiment to show what you did and draw diagrams too.

Don’t forget to send in your photos! I can’t wait to see if it works!



Measure the height of a growing plant at regular intervals. Record your results in a table or even a graph.



Research rare plants e.g. Venus flytraps, ghost orchids, jungle plants.


Make a model plant or a pollinating insect.


Draw and label the parts of a flowering plant. Write a sentence to explain their function.



Research deforestation around the world and the impact it has on animals and people.

Present as a poster, or leaflet or even try a Power Point Presentation.





Spanish Greetings


Premier League footballers Hector Bellerin, Gerard Deulofeu, and Marc Navarro join Ben Shires to teach pupils all about Spanish greetings.


Spanish alphabet and numbers
