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wc 12.09.22

Week 2


Another great week and busy week in the Brilliant Badgers classroom - the children are back in the full swing of school routine and it was lovely to be able to share information and updates with parents at the 'Meet the Teacher' meeting. 


We have continued reading our class novel 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,' which has inspired our writing this week. We've created our own golden ticket winning characters, working hard to build a picture of our character by using descriptive language. We have also shared some fabulous vocabulary ideas linked to some of our favourite sweets and chocolates to help us come up with our own Willy Wonka inspired confectionary! Flavourtastic fizz, Tangyopical Delight and Rainberry surprise are the names of some of our creations! 



In maths, we've begun our place value learning focusing on our numbers to 1,000. We found number lines a bit trickier so we're going to continue these at the start of the week so we are more confident in them. Give them a go at home if possible, making sure you are working out the difference before the start and end point then dividing that amount by the number of intervals. This will help you to find missing numbers.


We also started our Ancient Egypt topic and Science focus - states of matter. The children really impressed me with some of the things they already knew and they are all very keen and excited to learn even more!


Please remember that school will be closed on Monday for the Queen's funeral so I will see you back in the classroom on Tuesday. 


Spellings: Words where 'ou' makes an /ow/ sound

  • mouth
  • sprout
  • spout
  • ouch
  • hound
  • around
  • sound
  • trout
  • found
  • proud