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w.c. 31.10.22

In Phonics, we have continued learning new aspects of Phase 5 (alternative ways to spell sounds that the children are already familiar with). Please find below a document showing some of the words we have been reading in class together. Reading these at home will help build both your child's confidence and phonics knowledge.

Please find below the spellings that will be tested on Friday 11th November, which all contain the digraph 'oo'. Practising these at home will obviously help your child to feel more confident during the spelling test. I will send home a printed list of spellings with your child on a Friday in the home spelling book and they will be available on the class page, as well as being set on Spelling Shed. 


In English, we read Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett. Then the Fantastic Foxes had the challenge of working in terms to sequence some images from the book. They worked together so quickly and sensibly using their knowledge of the beginning, middle and end of the story to help them. We also watched some videos about meerkats and discussed all the new facts that we have learnt about these adorable creatures.

In Maths, we are working on number bonds i.e. all the different ways a number can be made. Please find below a game that your child might enjoy, that allows them to practise different ways of making numbers within 10. We have discussed how addition is commutative, i.e. :

1 + 4 = 5

4 + 1 = 5


The idea of numbers being able to be 'swapped around' when doing addition is an important aspect for your child to understand.

We have started painting our clay bowls in the style of Emma Bridgewater. We are having so much fun with the paint and thinking about making the polka dot pattern.
