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Week 1

It has been a pleasure welcoming the children into Year 3 and what a 'Super Squirrel' start we have had!

The children have arrived with smiles, settled well into their new classroom area and have been getting used to being in the juniors.

This week, we have started learning French, begun to read and write numerals to 1000 and have been creating amazing

self-portraits for a hall display. We used wax pastels and blended them together to get different tones of colour.



We have listened to stories about squirrels and have begun to learn about Performance Poetry. The children particularly loved 'Chocolate Cake' by Michael Rosen. 


Following the sad news of Queen Elizabeth's death, we finished the week with a special day of thought.

We talked about what we knew about the Queen, discussed feelings and looked at things they may notice over the next few weeks.

Afterwards the children designed fantastic commemorative stamps, and some children wrote messages and their thoughts down.
