Transfer to Secondary School:
When children become Y6 pupils, you will receive information and application forms from the Local Authority and John Port School (if you live in their catchment area). It is the duty of parents to apply for a place in their chosen secondary school. The Y6 staff meet regularly with staff from John Port to make the transition from primary to secondary education as smooth as possible.
Applications to attend this school in any school year must be made through Derbyshire County Council. This is possible through an online application or paper document available from DCC.
The Governors have agreed an Admissions Policy in line with the Derbyshire County Council Admissions Policy.
For children starting school in the Reception Class, all children will be offered a full time place to start in the September after their fourth birthday; we do not offer part time schooling.
All applications for places are now handled by Derbyshire County Council. Parents will need to apply for a place in the November/December before their child is due to start school. This means that some children may only be three years old when it is time for their parents to apply for a school place. Applications are made on-line at or by phone to Call Derbyshire on 01629 533190.
We have an admissions limit of 30 in any year group and places are allocated by the Local Authority based on their admissions criteria. They would normally offer places to those who already have a sibling attending the school and those living nearest to the school first. Most years we find there are enough places for all those who apply who live in our area or have a sibling in the school.
Derbyshire County Council’s application procedure allows parents to list up to three schools in order of preference. We would advise parents, particularly those who live outside our normal area, to give a second and third choice on their application form. It may be that these reserve choices are not needed, but if a parent waits until they hear from Derbyshire County Council that they have been unsuccessful in obtaining a place at Willington Primary School, all other local schools may already be full.
The school welcomes new children at any time during the school year if, for example, they have moved into the area. This is provided that the admission does not exceed 30 in the relevant year group and that the admission will not affect the well-being of that year group. All applications for a school place (even mid-year) are now handled by the County Council Admissions Department. Applications are made on-line at or by phone to Call Derbyshire on 01629 533190.
If you are planning to move into our catchment please contact the school to arrange an appointment to look around, meet the Headteacher and plan your child’s move to the school so that there is the minimum of disruption. This is particularly important for parents of a child with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or child with a physical disability. We need information prior to a child starting school in order to make the necessary arrangements needed to ensure that we can meet the child’s needs once they start school.
Derbyshire County Council prefer parents to apply online at The online process is quick and easy to do. If you apply online you will immediately receive an email to confirm your application has been received. Internet access is available at all Derbyshire libraries. Your online application is secure and confidential and can be updated by parents right up to the closing date.
You have a legal right to express a preference for which school you want your child to go to. This isn't the same as being able to choose. Where you have told the Local Authority of a preference for a particular school and there are places they will try to offer you a place at that school. However, there is no automatic right to a place at a particular school and it may not always be possible to offer a place at your preference.