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Week 2

Autumn Term 2: - Week 2:


This week has been National Anti-Bullying Week, and we have been making videos about the subject of bullying.  We discussed that there are different types of bullying, such as social, online, physical and verbal, and ways in which we can stop this from happening.  We discussed the acronym 'STOP', which stands for Several Times On Purpose.  We talked about how a fall out with a friend is not bullying, but if someone is mean to you over four or five times on purpose, and you have asked them to stop, then this could be classed as bullying.


In maths, we have enjoyed using the 'folding fractions' to compare and order fractions according to their denominators and numerators.  We are finding fractions much easier to understand now, and are really enjoying our lessons.


In science, we have been learning about fossils and how this subject has helped scientists to gain an understanding of how life has evolved over millions of years.


In English, we have begun to start a unit of work based around the animation called 'The Piano'.  The children really enjoyed predicting the plot of the film and gaining inferences about the characters.  Next week, the children will begin to write a flashback narrative about the film.
