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Key Information For Year 6


Children will need a full indoor and outdoor PE kit in school each day during the year.  PE is timetabled to take place on a Monday afternoon, Tuesday morning (09:00 start) and a Thursday afternoon.  These sessions are subject to change each half term, so please make sure that your child has their PE kit in school throughout the week.


For health and safety reasons, earrings need to be either taken out or taped up and all jewellery must be taken off for each PE session.  Please see the PE policy for further information regarding this.



Pupils will have access to both books in the classroom and from the library during the year.  They may also read books from home.  Please encourage your child to read frequently at home, signing in their diary to show when they have read their book.  They may read to themselves or aloud at home, but please encourage them to discuss their books with an adult to further develop their comprehension skills.
