Spelling Words
Here are the words that we will be learning to spell each week. These should be practiced on Spelling Shed each week (or on paper if preferred).
| Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 Test THURS 26th | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 |
Spelling rules (Spelling Shed) | Words ending in -able where the ‘e’ remains: agreeable noticeable changeable knowledgeable manageable microwaveable replaceable irreplaceable rechargeable salvageable | Adverbs of time:
afterwards immediately earlier eventually previously finally recently yesterday tomorrow whilst | Words ending in -fer:
referring preferred transferring reference referee preference transference difference inference conferring | Words with silent first letters: knight wreckage writer knowledge knuckle wreath pterodactyl mnemonic wrestler knife | Y3/4CEW assessment week | Y5/6 CEW assessment week |
Year 5 and 6 Common Exception Words | definitely develop | environment identity | symbol system | individual interfere | CEW assessment week | CEW assessment week |
Year 3 and 4 Common Exception Words | perhaps circle experiment
| favourite eighth quarter | century medicine difficult | address interest often | CEW assessment week | CEW assessment week |
Words for support group | class grass pass | even pretty | beautiful after | past plant | assessment | assessment |
Please note: Our spelling test in Week 3 will take place a day early on Thursday 26th January, as we are on our trip on Friday. During Weeks 5 and 6 we will be reviewing all of the Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 statutory Common Exception Words that we have learnt so far.
Maths Games- Fractions
Maths Games- Multiplication and Division
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