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Week 4

In our English lessons, we have been enjoying the story Little Red Reading Hood by Lucy Rowland. This story is a twist of a traditional tale with Little Red heading to the library to change her reading book, rather than Grandma's house. We really like this story because it rhymes and we enjoy predicting the end of the lines in each verse. We decided that Lucy Rowland is a good author and have been learning about some of her other books. Darcy has some of her books at home and kindly brought them in for us to share.


With Mrs Lawrence on Thursday, we enjoyed looking at 'The Wolf's Story: What Really Happened to Little Red Riding Hood' by Toby Forward. We talked about different vocabulary and completed sentences by substituting words with more interesting synonyms.


We have also been enjoying some poetry after reading 'Poetry is Not for Me' by Joshua Seigal in our fluency lessons. Our favourites have been 'Chocolate Cake' and 'No Breathing' by Michael Rosen. Some children found out more about Michael Rosen and enjoyed sharing these facts with the rest of the class. Here are the links to our favourite poems:
