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w/b 20th April

Week beginning 20th April


I hope you have all had a lovely Easter and didn't eat too many Easter Eggs! I enjoyed making mini-egg cookies with some of our treats - why not try a new recipe, or making changes to something you have made before.


Below is a selection of work that you can complete during the following week. Please note that there is no expectation to complete all of the work on certain days. Have a schedule which works for you - it is important to go with how everyone feels during this strange time. It is important to do a variety of work, but it is also important to have quality family time together. 


I have included work from a range of subjects and this will be updated weekly.  If the children wish, they can take photos of their work and send them into school through the home school learning link on the previous page - it would be lovely to see how the  children have been getting on.


Also please remember that if you are struggling with anything then you can access activities from another class page. For example, we would rather you completed Year 2 or Year 3 numeracy tasks than struggle with Year 4 numeracy tasks. Home learning is new to us all and it's about keeping busy, not struggling with anything!

Literacy and Reading


I have created a file with image based comprehension activities that you can complete together. The wonderful thing about these is that it allows for lots of wonderful discussion and deciding what would be sensible answers using the information from the image along with your own knowledge of the world. 


There are also files with some writing activities. One is based on a spring picture, one is improving a sentence (which we have done before in class so it is a familiar idea) and one is thinking about your favourite chocolates ready for a writing task next week. Enjoy Brilliant Badgers! I have also attached a file with fronted adverbials that the children can use for these writing tasks, it should look familiar as they are in our writing packs that are on the tables during lessons. 



For this week, the focus will be on money. I have created a file with various questions and activities to work through over the week - don't feel the need to complete the whole file in one day! There is also a file with some challenge questions which involve reasoning and logic to solve and provide excellent opportunities to discuss how best to approach problems. 


I have attached a file with images of British coins, in case you don't have any/all of the coins at home. If you do not have access to a printer, then you could use this as an art opportunity and sketch the coins out.


Doing a little regularly on the following websites will help improve your arithmetic skills:

For the Daily 10 you can select the appropriate year group and the skill that you wish to focus on. In class we would usually use it to practice our time tables, but you can use it for all sorts of areas of numeracy.


Hopefully I have been successful in sending each Brilliant Badger a challenge on TT Rockstars - it would be great if you could accept my challenge and see if you can beat me!



For art this week, I would like you to research famous bridges and their designers. Please produce a PowerPoint / poster / double-page spread to show off your independent learning. Once you have done this research, you will have an understanding of the features of different famous bridges. This means that you can then sketch or complete a painting of either a famous bridge, or design your own bridge using all the features that you find interesting and attractive. 



Here is a link to a website which has some lovely activities that are based around music.



Here is a link to a fun science activity that is easy to complete at home. If you do not have a printer, don't worry as it is a simple shape to draw onto paper/card. You could use an old cereal box to provide the material for your rocket mice! I have done this activity both at a previous school, but also at home with my family. It is so much fun and can get quite competitive! Can you work out how to get your mouse to fly the furthest / highest?


Odd One Out


Discuss which is the odd one out for the image below? There is no right or wrong answer, you just need to consider how to justify your choice. Can you then think of reasons why the other items could be the odd one out?
