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Year 3

Transition activities for you to complete for your new teacher, Miss Shepherd

Please feel free to adapt these ideas or to create your own picture or piece of work which tells us something about you. We can’t wait to see what you come up with! It would be fabulous if you could drop your work into school before the end of term so that we can get busy displaying it ready for our return in September - you could even drop it in for us when you collect your report. Enjoy!

VE Day – Friday 8th May


I have added some resources to help you learn about and celebrate this special day.

Please send in some photos, it really is great to hear from you.

Missing you all Super Squirrels!

Wildlife Watch UK


The Wildlife Trust are running their annual nature challenge in June called 30 Days Wild.

Click on the link below to access this Bingo game – you could play it on your daily walks and / or whilst in the garden.



Wild Bingo Challenge

They also do a Wildlife Watch video on YouTube each Wednesday -


First News Magazine


First News are offering FREE downloads while schools are closed – worth a look for some different reading material.

Activity Ideas


Let's stay safe, active and busy!

I hope these activity ideas help.

Ancient Greece Topic Homework Grid

Maths and Literacy Links

Use your imagination...

Lots more activities like the one above at 

A new picture every day with linked activities.

We have used these in class and the children have loved them smiley


This looks great fun for all you Lego lovers!

More fab ideas to keep you busy!

For activity number 4 - you could use the Greek alphabet πŸΊπŸ‘Œ

You could continue and extend your learning of ancient Greece
