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Year 4

Welcome to the Brilliant Badgers Class page!

Come here to find out useful information and to see all the exciting things we have been learning in Year 4! 



Jamie Littler - Live virtual author visit

We loved our first live virtual visit experience with Jamie Littler, author of the ‘Frostheart’ series. Jamie is also an illustrator and taught us how to draw the character, Master Podd, from his books.


Addition and Subtraction 

We’re working hard on improving our understanding of addition and subtraction in maths. We’ve been using place counters to help us with ‘exchanging’ and loved playing the game ‘on the run’ against each other!

Flanders Fields

For Remembrance Day this year, we read the famous poem Flanders Fields. We then created these beautiful bookmarks with the poem and used water paints for the poppies.

Ancient Egypt

We have been learning so much about Ancient Egypt this autumn.  

Walk like an Egyptian 

As part of our PE in Autumn term 1, Isobel from Déda Dance taught us some new moves and helped us ‘walk like an Egyptian’....

Pharaoh art


We really enjoyed our first sentence stacking unit based on the ‘dreams’ chapter in BFG...

Silly Billy

Coming back to school after lockdown left us with some worries. In class, we listened to the story ‘Silly Billy’ by Anthony Browne, and then made our own personal worry dolls after learning more about them. Each one is individual and we keep them in our own wallets so they are nearby...

Getting to know you.... Mask Art

We created these mask masterpieces which included some words to describe us. We were very pleased with the results!
