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Week 3



We had an 'Out of this World' STEM afternoon, working through a Space STEM activity box, donated by Mr Swain from Rolls -Royce. 

It was a great revision of our 'Space' topic and a chance for the children to work collaboratively in small teams.

The children revised learning about the movement of the Earth, the order of the planets and even wrote some great mnemonics to help remember the order of the planets. During these activities, the teams could earn tokens - these came in VERY handy later on in the day. 

The children were given a mission to land a care package onto Mars. They were given their care package - an egg, and a bag of resources which included tissue paper, elastic band, a piece of cardboard and a few other bits. 

The challenge was to drop the care package (the egg) from height, without it breaking.

The teams were able to exchange any tokens they had earned in the teacher's shop. Here they could buy string, plastic bags, balloons and straws. 

Each team had 45 minutes to protect their care package and then the experiments began!

Only one team managed to land their care package to safety. 
