Look at different recipe books you may have at home.
Do they have diagrams or pictures?
How is the writing arranged on the page?
Read the following recipes. Think about the types of words and the type of sentences being used.
Words: Nouns Verbs
Sentences: Statement Question Command Exclamation
Watch the following powerpoint presentation about ....
Imperative Verbs
Write your own Instructions for your Explorer Snack
This could be the sandwich or fruit salad you made earlier.
Make sure you have ...
A title or name of the recipe.
Equipment List,
Ingredients List,
Numbered instructions that are in the correct sequence
Use imperative 'bossy' verbs
Use time connectives such as first, next, then, afterwards, finally.
Can you add an introduction with a question for the reader. For example...
Are your sandwiches tasteless and dull? Do you wish you could pack a delicious, healthy feast for your next picnic?
Well now you can. Just follow these instructions to find out how.
Can you add a 'Top Tip'