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w.c. 26.9.22

Please find below the Phonics that we have focused on this week. This is the last week of consolidating our knowledge of Phases 2, 3 and 4 from Reception as next week we will be beginning Phase 5. Encourage your child to spot any digraphs/trigraphs themselves, as this will really benefit them in becoming a more fluent and confident reader.

This weeks spellings focus on spelling words containing 'k' and 'nk’. Please find them below and they are also available on Spelling Shed to practise, they should show as an ‘assignment’. Going on ‘Stage 1 & 2’ on Spelling Shed will allow you to practise spellings for Years 1 and 2.

This weeks spellings are:












Perhaps your child might want to practise their spellings by writing them, in which case this fun game of 'Roll and Spell' might be useful. If any of the Fantastic Foxes write their spellings by hand and want to bring it to show me, I will give them a house point for working so hard on their spellings! I will also add on house points for children practising regularly on Spelling Shed.



In Mathematics this week, we have been continuing to count forwards and backwards within 10. We also thought about more, fewer and the same. The children did so well with deciding how these words should be used to explain quantities.


Using the below game will help the children to improve their recognition of numbers as both digits and words, which we started thinking about recently. This is such an important skill, so any additional help from home would be very beneficial - and also hopefully lots of fun too!

NumBots is also available for the children to use at home, please let me know if you need your child's log in details via the class email address of and I can reply with the details for you. NumBots is a fantastic way for children to build up their speed and fluency, there is both a website and app available.


On Monday, we visited the library to borrow books using our library accounts! It was so much fun and the children now have their barcodes on the inside front cover of their reading journal. We will be changing our library reading for pleasure books on a Monday afternoon. If you could please ensure their reading journal and book comes into school with them on a Monday then it will make it much easier for our future library visits! 


We continued our writing based around ‘On Sudden Hill’ and thought about what Birt does to his cardboard box because of being upset. The Fantastic Foxes impressed me again with their vocabulary for actions that Birt might do to damage the box and then we wrote the ending of our story where the three boys become friends. We love asking Fantastic Fox ‘What’s in your box?’ to help us build our vocabulary bank!

We continued our Music this week by improvising using the glockenspiels! We are trying so hard to improve each week and are fast becoming brilliant singers!
