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wc. 15th May 23

Week 5

We've had a fun filled week with lots of learning....

In writing, we discussed the success criteria for our own independent write continuing the Aladdin story. We then created plot points and mapped these out considering which success criteria would work well in which plot point. After that, we created a starting ‘showcase sentence’ for each plot point which will help us in our writing next week. We also had a reading lesson on the next part of Philip Pulman’s Aladdin narrative focusing on retrieval skills.

In shared reading, our focus of the week was ‘teeth.’ This links well with our Science, (Animals, including Humans) and expanded on our learning so far. We read a non-fiction text, compared two poems about teeth and looked at the opening image and prologue of ‘Demon Dentist.’ The class had great fun reading the poem ‘Dentist Dan’ aloud to each other.


In Science, we concluded our teeth investigation and got the eggs out of the different liquids to how sugary drinks cause damage to our teeth. The children were all surprised to see the results and had some great verbal discussions about the results. We then began learning about the digestive system which we will continue next week.


We started our money unit in Maths and it was great to see the children using their decimal knowledge to help them answer questions.


In PE, we've continued our athletics skills with Rosie and learnt about the relay race. We enjoyed working in teams practising passing the baton in different ways and finished with a few races. It was great to see the children working together and supporting each other in something different.  
