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Maths in Year 6

In Year 6, we follow the White Rose Maths Small Steps as our basis to our maths work.  This is broken down into small steps of learning and is based on fluency, reasoning and problem solving.

Each day, the children carry out extra arithmetic lessons, focusing on key arithmetic skills which they have learnt over their time in Year 6.

The topics which we will be teaching the children in Year 6 are as follows:


Each of the topics above are split into small steps.  These are smaller blocks of learning, spread over either one or two days, which the children learn to complete their understanding within that mathematical topic.  Please click on the link below to access this more in-depth overview of learning.

Small steps of learning for Maths

A key part of mathematical learning in Year 6 is based around fractions, decimals and percentages.  To be successful in this area, children need to be confident with their recall of their times tables and division facts up to 12 x 12.  Therefore, we encourage the children to aim to use Times Table Rockstars regularly to continue to increase the accuracy and recall speed of these.  Please could parents and carers support and encourage their children at home with learning these.

The Key 21 Multiplication Facts To Learn

Arithmetic Help Video Guides

Each day, the children carry out 15 minutes of arithmetic.  The link below takes you to a website which provides support for your child when practising their arithmetic questions.  There are 36 different question types in total, each with a different help video created by a Year 6 teacher.  Each video explains the correct method and shows you step-by-step how to solve each question type.
